Sunday, August 21, 2011

You're Sure to do Impossible Things

The week I make a promise to myself to make this blog more enjoyable and I miss my Saturday update! Yikes! I think I have a pretty good reason, though: the Lafayette peach festival! My family and I spent most of the day up towards Boulder, at the festival (yummy peaches!), then walking around the Pearl Street mall, which I hadn't been to in ages. I'd forgotten how much I love street theatre!

Walking down the street, there's a different performer every few feet, which results in an interesting clash of music sometimes. But then there are the magicians and the jugglers and the dancers and the didgeridoo players and almost anything else you can imagine (except aerialists. But that would be kind of difficult to do outside, anyway. Oh, and animal trainers; wild animals loose on a crowded street is not exactly a good thing). We stopped and watched a juggler for a while who was absolutely fantastic. He started his show by juggling flaming torches! And I've now officially seen someone juggle seven juggling balls at the same time. But the best part of his show, in my opinion, was that every now and then during his amazingly humorous narration, he would throw in a remark or two about following your dreams. Given the amount of kids in the audience, I think that message from a performer that all of them were likely completely blown away by (I know I was!), was really important. Seriously, this guy could have been in Cirque de Soliel, but he chose to perform at Pearl Street in Boulder because he loved street theatre and wanted to connect with his audience. If that's not following you dreams, I don't know what is.

So, I guess I want to pass his message on today. As someone who's currently struggling to follow her own dreams of publication, this is important to me. Never let someone tell you that you can't do something. If you want something bad enough, and you're willing to work for it, you will achieve that goal. What are you waiting for? Go out there and follow your dreams!

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