Saturday, August 13, 2011

WriteOnCon and Writing Babies

WriteOnCon is this week! For those of you who missed my earlier gushings about this, it's an online writing conference for children's authors (from picture books to young adult novels), and it's completely free. They have a great-looking list of agents and editors showing up, an amazing variety of live chats and forum events, and ninja agents prowling the forums for queries. What's not to like? So, if you're a children's author of any kind (or are interested in the genre), check it out! The conference starts on Tuesday morning! Hope to see you there!

And, in my personal writing sagas, I finally sucked it up and decided to cut two relatively space-consuming concepts from the last quarter or so of Savior. This was tough for me, because I really enjoyed these concepts, but they weren't working for anyone else. Maybe I can somehow work them into personal shorts later on or something. Has anyone else had to let go of some of their writing babies? Did you ever do anything else with them, or did they wither away in the back of your mind until you forgot about them?

Oljiru Kovy

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