Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It snowed again today. Rather a lot. So I am cuddled in bed with two cats (definitely makes for a crowded bed), working diligently on my novel for NaNoWriMo. My goals for this year:

  • To write every day, no matter what, to kick start my daily writing again.
  • To write something that's good enough to actually go back and fix up later, instead of being so terribly dreadful I can't look at it again without cringing, like all of my other NaNo manuscripts. 
  • To finish the story (and, if I'm lucky, hit something in the range of 75-100k words). 
To all those bopping through your first week with me: you can do it! Don't give up! NaNo is about getting something written. Anything. It's something I've been struggling with lately. 

To all those laughing at the crazies trying to write a whole novel in a month: thank you for being more sane than I. 

Carry on. 

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