Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oh, man, I have been on a "so much information I don't know what to do with it all; help me, I'm dying!" brainwave for the last few weeks. Hence my rather abysmal posting record recently. It's been a combination of a lot of things, really: new job, lack of motivation, reinventing some sort of social life. Been an interesting time to say the least. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, I'll get my feet under me again and really start cranking out some writing. Or at least finish that revision I've been working on for a year now.

I really ought to have more to say here today. But I don't at the moment. Perhaps I'll post again later; perhaps not. I guess we'll see if inspiration strikes.

Oljiru kovy.


  1. Guess what? I just found a stinking typo in the ten pages I already sent out (for our RMFW group session). ERRRggggh!! Why didn't my betas point it out??? Dang it, dang it, dang it. It's the word "an" where it should be "a." Stupid non-spellcheck-detectable typo. Stupid me.

    Oh, well. Such is life :)

  2. Oh, Jess! I hate it when that happens. I haven't looked at the pages I sent out yet, just for that reason. I'm sure I'll kick myself over something when I pull them out again!
