Saturday, March 12, 2011

Good Morning World!

It's bright, early and quite possibly going to be sunny here in Anchorage this morning. A brief rundown of the last week for any and all of my (what, two?) readers: spring break is not quite a productive as one might think. I wound up getting a single three-page short done, a few pages on my personal "never going to see the light of day" project, and a few beginning paragraphs on a coauthoring experiment. I had hoped to get two or three shorts out of the way for my senior project, but that's the way life goes. Better to relax a bit and regain some sanity once in a while, am I right?

Although, I'm not entirely sure how relaxing it is working on four or five projects at the same time. The good news is that I'm writing again, at least. For a while there, I was having troubles pounding out a solid paragraph a day, and now I just have to decide which piece deserves that paragraph (plus, say, a page or two). Much, much better than writing basically nothing at all.

Righto. In other news: I won't be going to the Iowa Writer's Workshop in the fall; I'm waiting to see if I've won a query letter critique from the lovely agents who volunteered their services for WriteOnCon (see the previous post for more information), and will be sending out a query or two after I find out. Actually, I need to finish reworking the beginning of Savior before doing that. So, new plan! Write, write, write, edit, write, write. Six years on this book and I'm still editing. Maybe I'll have a manuscript I'm happy with by the time I graduate.

Probably not.

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