About Emerson

By day, she's a mild-mannered (*snort*) social media coordinator for a local communications company. By night, she's a wild and crazy fantasy author who tries to push the bounds of the traditional sword-and-magic fantasy and the more modern urban fantasy. She's been seen wielding wooden swords and fountain pens, riding horseback and dragonback, and, of course, tearing her hair out over what in the world she's going to write next.

Who is this crazy person lurking in the shadows? Dare you unmask her? Beware of random bursts of opera springing from her mouth if you do!

She is Emerson Singer (or Emer d'Ange, or Emily, or Hey You, or....) and she's here to save the world! Well, maybe not. But she is here to put a bit of fun back into her writing life and, hopefully, lure an unsuspecting agent into representing her book(s). Like an expert fisherman (fisherwoman?), she waits in the shadows, ready to pounce--wait, I'm getting my analogies mixed up again.

Let's cut the third-person, overdramatic nonsense and get right down to the meat of this. Who am I? I'm a young adult (don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age?), writing for young adults, adults, and the rare, overzealous kid who wants to read 'grown up' stuff. I like exploring things from different angles, putting strange things together (an elf who's also a police officer?), and working on way too many projects at the same time. Besides writing, I dabble in acting, singing, baking (only sometimes, and never for bribes. Well, almost never), bad dancing, and doodling. I've been a bibliophile for as long as I can remember--thanks, Mom!--and one day dearly hope to see my own book bound and printed and inspiring other young authors. I try to update this blog every Wednesday, if not more often, so check back whenever you feel like it! You're always welcome. I'll try to have to tea on for you.

Thank you for reading Writing Emer and we hope you enjoy your stay!